An urgent message from the Chair As many supporters will know, there’s change ahead for the Society. We’re becoming a charity and will soon be signing a new lease for our beloved Hut, which will bring with it a rise in our rent. The committee is confident that the Society can still flourish. We have…Continue Reading “YOUR HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEEDS YOU”
Our Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday 27 March starting at 7.30 pm at the Old Library. Please come along if you can to hear about the last 12 months and what we have planned for the reast of 2024. We want to hear your views and we would love more people to get involved….Continue Reading “AGM & Social 27 March”
Lambeth Horticultural Society is looking for a new Chair After many years of involvement at every level, our Chairman announced his intention to step down at our Spring AGM. Tony Pizzoferro has done a magnificent job leading this much-loved Society for many years. We are now looking for a new Chair to help a long-established…Continue Reading “A New Chair”