An urgent message from the Chair
As many supporters will know, there’s change ahead for the Society.
We’re becoming a charity and will soon be signing a new lease for our beloved Hut, which will bring with it a rise in our rent.
The committee is confident that the Society can still flourish. We have a healthy balance in the bank. We also have lots of ideas for how to promote the Society, to welcome new members and raise funds through events at the Hut and in the community, such as this summer’s hanging basket workshop at the Hut or the recent bulb-planting event at West Norwood cemetery.
The one area in which we are doing less well is in mustering volunteers and active supporters to make these things happen. Several committee members have stepped down in recent years. We have been carrying some vacancies, for example in the pivotal role of secretary. I will be stepping down at the AGM. Our team of active helpers has therefore shrunk and we need to build it up again, so that we can translate our ideas into action. Otherwise, there’s a risk that our wonderful Society could fold, simply because there aren’t enough people to share the job of running it.
Please therefore think about how you could help, whether by joining the committee, getting involved in ad hoc projects or helping at our events. Feel free to contact me for a chat.