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To continue our work delivering services to gardeners in Lambeth and beyond, we need more helpers.

Activities like the weekend Hut, flower shows and community events don’t just happen on the day. There are a few people doing an awful lot of work behind the scenes to make the magic occur.

We are all volunteers. We know most people these days lead exceptionally busy lives. But if you have the skills and some time to help with some of the admin, that would help to share the load.

If you think Lambeth Horticultural Society should be there in the future and you can help that to happen, get in touch.

We also welcome fresh ideas and thoughts – but we need people to turn them into action.

Existing posts and a brief summary of the role:

ChairLeads on governance, strategy & development
Chairs Committee meetings, AGM & EGMs
With Secretary, ensures LHS is compliant with Charity Commission regulations 
Vice-chairAssists the Chair
Exercises Chair’s discretionary powers when Chair is unavailable or conflicted
SecretaryAdministrative lead for the Society
Draws up agendas and writes minutes for committee meetings
TreasurerEnsures LHS is compliant with Charity Commission financial regulations and reporting
Monitors income and expenditure
Alerts the committee to any areas of concern
Takes cash to the bank
Authorised signatory for bank accounts
Manages funds on deposit
Checks & pays invoices
Manages rent, rates & insurances
Vice-TreasurerAssists the Treasurer in their duties
Authorised signatory for bank account
Trading SecretaryTakes the lead in ensuring the Hut has reasonable levels of stock as agreed by committee
Holds delegated authority to order stock to pre-agreed levels
Receives, checks & price-tags deliveries of stock
Outings officerDraws up an annual programme of outings, to be agreed by the committee
Produces flyers and booking forms
Organises outings
Publicity officerProduces monthly email, publicity material for the society and its events
Runs social media accounts
Show secretaryLeads in drawing up show schedules
Books judges
Manages the operation of LHS Shows (including at Lambeth Country Show) on the day
Liaises with RHS and national societies over prizes and medals
Ensures cups are collected and presented to latest winners
Membership secretaryMaintains the database of members
Issues renewal notices  & reminders
Website managerMaintains the website
Bulletin (print newsletter) editorTakes the lead in publishing  bulletins
Agrees timetable and contents with the committee
Commissions content for the bulletin as necessary
Designs & creates bulletin as pdf
Sees bulletin to production stage, liaising with printers as necessary.
Talks & Events OrganiserOrganises talks & member events other than Shows
Identifies & books external speakers
Ensures suitable locations, audio-visual resources, catering
Health & Safety OfficerEnsures that Health & Safety Policy is up to date
Ensures that required certifications are kept current
Provides training as appropriate