STAGING OF ENTRIESSaturday  9.00 am – 12 noon


Floral Art Classes:  98, 99,100 & 103 All Other Classes: 


1 – 97BANKSIAN MEDAL most prize money won79LHS TOP VASE 1st prize £10, 2nd prize £5, 3rd prize £3 in hut vouchers.
1 – 23VEGETABLE SECTION best exhibit, NVS society medal51 – 79Most points* Les Cooper Cup
24COLLECTION OF 4 SALAD VEGETABLES  Winner, Society trophy51 – 79Best exhibit Mrs E Plant cup
25COLLECTION OF 4 KINDS OF VEGETABLES The Lambeth Cup80 – 84PELARGONIUM SECTION  best exhibit, Society trophy
26LHS TOP TRAY 1st prize £10, 2nd prize £5, 3rd prize £3 in hut vouchers.85 – 97HOUSEPLANT & CACTUS  best exhibit Tony Farrow shield
1 – 26VEGETABLE SECTION most points* Eric Hunt challenge cup.98 – 103FLORAL ART best exhibit The Turton trophy
27-33FRUIT SECTION best exhibit, the Worshipful Company of Gardeners cup103FLORAL ART beginners trophy
27-33FRUIT SECTION most points* David Shaw cup104 – 111DOMESTIC SECTION most points The Lambeth Trophy
34 – 43CHRYSANTHEMUM SECTION   NCS silver medal and NCS bronze medal112 – 117HANDICRAFTS SECTION best exhibit Bronze trophy
38The Charles Jeal shield118 – 120PHOTOGRAPHIC SECTION best exhibit Society trophy
44 – 50DAHLIA silver and bronze medals121 – 124CHILDREN’S SECTION best exhibit Society trophy
74HANGING BASKET Garden News shield*Points: 3 for a first, 2 for a second and 1 for a third. Ties decided by no. of 1st

Trophy holders are asked to return all trophies awarded at any previous show by 4 September 2024 to the Hut or the Show Secretary.


Closing date for entries is WEDNESDAY 4th September 2024

  •  Entry fee – 15p per class, except the children’s section which is free.
  • Online entries please email: Name, address, contact phone number and the classes entered e.g. 1, 2, 10, 119 to
  • Entries received after the closing date will be accepted at the discretion of the show organisers. Fee 25p per class.
  • All entry fees payable on show day
  • Entry forms may also be handed in at the Hut

Show regulations, notes for floral art exhibitors, collections of vegetables, definitions and general notes to assist exhibitors are available here.



13 Beetroot1410 Shallots large
25 Potatoes151 Cucumber
33 Carrots163 Courgettes
45 Tomatoes171 Cabbage with 2″ – 4″ stem
510 Cherry tomatoes182 Leeks
62 Lettuce with roots192 Parsnips
73 Onions – dressed – over 250gm205 Onions shown as grown
85 Onions – Not dressed, top & roots trimmed, each bulb 250gm or under212 Sweetcorn
910 Runner beans22Any other vegetable not mentioned above. See page 2
1010 Beans other than runner beans231 Vase of herbs, 3 different kinds, 3 stems of each (two varieties of the same plant are not two kinds)
111 Marrow24Collection of 4 salading and/or salad vegetables from the following:
 2 Beetroot, 1 Cucumber, 1 Lettuce, 12 Seedling onions, 3 Potatoes, 12 Radishes, 3 Tomatoes, 1 Celery (2′ x 2′ space)
125 Sticks rhubarb –  foliage trimmed to within 7.5cm of start of leaf stalk25A collection of 4 kinds of vegetables, numbers: legumes 8, others 3, unless 1or 2 in classes above, then 1  (2′ x 2′ space)
1310 Shallots, pickling – to go through 30mm ring26LHS Top Tray (2’ x 2’ space.). See below*

*LHS Top Tray Requirements

A collection of 3 types of vegetables from this list of 8. Quantities of each kind are shown in brackets: Carrots (3), Cauliflower (2), Onions (3), Parsnips (3), Peas (6 pods), Potatoes (3), Runner beans (6 pods), Tomatoes (6).

Judged out of 60 points (20 points for each type of vegetable – 7 for size, shape and colour: 7 for condition: 6 for uniformity.)  

Classes 1 to 22: Only one variety of each vegetable to be exhibited

Class 22 ANY OTHER VEGETABLES: The minimum number to be 2 other than squashes 1 and legumes 5.


273 Dessert apples, 1 cultivar31Collection of fruit – 3 kinds of fruit, 1 dish of each, for quantities. See page 2.
283 Pears, 1 cultivar325 Stone fruit, 1 cultivar, on a dish
293 Culinary apples, 1 cultivar331 Dish any other fruit not mentioned above. See page 2
301 Dish soft fruit – 12 fruits or 12 strings, one cultivar (plate provided)

Class 31 COLLECTIONS OF FRUIT: The numbers of fruits per dish of one kind of fruit to be: soft fruit: 12, stone fruit 5, melon 1, grapes 1 bunch and all other fruits 3. Two varieties of the same plant are not two kinds.

Class 33 ANY OTHER FRUIT: The numbers of fruits to be: grapes 1 bunch, melon 1, all other fruits minimum 3.


341 Specimen bloom, incurved or intermediate401 Vase sprays, 3 stems
351 Specimen bloom, reflexed411 Vase sprays, 5 stems
361 Vase 3 blooms, incurved or intermediateNOVICE CLASSESOpen to anyone not previously awarded a 1st place in a chrysanthemum class
371 Vase 3 blooms, reflexed421 Vase spray, 3 stems
381 Vase 3 blooms, any type (other than spray)431 Specimen bloom (other than spray)
391 Specimen stem, spray


441 Bloom Cactus481 Vase 3 blooms, any type (other than cactus or pom-pom)
451 Bloom any type (other than cactus)491 Vase 5 blooms, any types
461 Vase 3 blooms, cactusNOVICE CLASSOpen to anyone not previously awarded a 1st place in a dahlia class
471 Vase 5 blooms, pom-pom501 Vase, 3 blooms (any cultivars)


Vases provided

511 Vase any cut flowers656 Fuchsia blooms, different varieties displayed in sand (plate provided)
521 Vase annuals one variety666 Pansy blooms in sand (plate provided)
531 Vase mixed annuals671 Pot fuchsia, pot not to exceed 6″
541 Vase one variety perennial (except chrysanthemums)681 Pot begonia bulbous rooted, pot less than10″
551 Vase mixed perennials, 5 stems (except chrysanthemums)691 Pot begonia fibrous rooted, pot less than 10″
561 Vase shrubs, 3 kinds701 Bonsai, British grown, ‘Mame’ under 6” including pot
571 Vase wild flowers711 Bonsai, British grown, ‘Shohin’ under 10” including pot
583 Hybrid tea roses (large flower)721 Bonsai, British grown, any other not in 69 or 70, over 10” including pot
591 Hybrid tea rose (large flower)731 Trough up to 24″ planted for effect. (Plants must be growing directly in trough)
601 Spray floribunda rose (cluster)741 Hanging basket – up to 14″ – planted for effect. (Plants must be growing directly in basket)
611 Modern shrub rose (English rose)751 Flowering pot plant, pot not to exceed 5″
621 Vase Michaelmas daisy, 5 stems761 Flowering pot plant, pot not to exceed 10″
631 Vase gladioli, 3 spikes (any size)771 Foliage pot plant, pot not to exceed 5″ – (excluding bonsai)
641 Spike gladiolus (any size)781 Foliage pot plant, pot not to exceed 10″ – (excluding bonsai)
79LHS Top Vase (flowers grown by exhibitor) see below*

*LHS Top Vase Requirements

A vase of mixed flowering stems containing a total of between 5 and 10 stems, taken from a minimum of two different kinds of plants. Flowers only – no seed heads, berries or accessories are allowed.

Judged out of 35 points – 25 for colour, form condition, quality and freshness, 10 points for overall presentation and effect, viewed from all directions.  


801 Scented pelargonium, pot not to exceed 10″831 Any other pelargonium, pot not to exceed 10″
811 Zonal pelargonium, pot not to exceed 10″841 Hardy geranium/erodium, pot not to exceed 6″
821 Fancy leaf variegated and ornamental, pot not to exceed 10″


851 Cactus, pot not to exceed 5″923 Succulents of different species in separate pots not to exceed 10″
861 Cactus, pot not to exceed 10″931 Saintpaulia (African violet)
871 Succulent, pot not to exceed 5″941 Flowering pot plant, pot not to exceed 5″
881 Succulent, pot not to exceed 10″951 Flowering pot plant, pot not to exceed 10″
893 Cacti of different species in separate pots not to exceed 5″961 Foliage pot plant, pot not to exceed 5″
903 Cacti of different species in separate pots not to exceed 10971 Foliage pot plant, pot not to exceed 10″
913 Succulents of different species in separate pots not to exceed 5″


Floral Art Exhibits may be arranged at home or in the Hall.

98Reflections” 60cm x 60cm102Match that” – a miniature exhibit. Space allowed 10cm height, depth, and width..
99A splash of colour” 60cm x 60cmNOVICE CLASSOpen to anyone not previously awarded a 1st place in a Floral Art class
100Moonlight serenade” 60cm x 60cm103On the beach” 60cm x 60cm
101“Pandora’s box”. A petite exhibit. Space allowed 25cm. height, depth and width.


Please list any allergens present in your entry.

Allergens are: celery, cereals containing gluten (such as wheat, barley and oats), crustaceans (such as prawns, crabs and lobsters), eggs, fish, lupin, milk, molluscs (such as mussels and oysters), mustard, peanuts, sesame, soybeans, sulphur dioxide and sulphites (if the sulphur dioxide and sulphites are at a concentration of more than ten parts per million) and tree nuts (such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios and macadamia nuts).

1041 Jar of jam1083 Eccles cakes (as per recipe below**)
1051 Jar of chutney or pickle, please name type1093 Sausage rolls
1061 Shortbread round1101 Quiche
1071 Granary loaf1111 Open apple pie

**Class 108 Eccles cakes- makes 12 -14

For rough puff pastry:For filling:
7oz/200gm plain flour1 oz/25gm butter or margarine       1 tbsp sugar
¼ tsp salt3 oz/75gm currants  1 oz/25gm chopped mixed peel
6oz/175gm butter, cut in chunks and chilled¼ tsp ground mixed spice          ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp lemon juice.   Flour for rolling outCaster sugar for dusting.

Pastry: Sift the flour and salt into a bowl.  Add the butter and mix in lightly using a round-bladed knife. Mix in the lemon juice and enough ice cold water to make a soft dough. The mixture should take about 4 fl oz/150ml but add the water a spoonful at a time to avoid making the dough too wet. The dough should be soft and very lumpy.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into an oblong, keeping the corners square. Mark the oblong of dough into thirds, then fold and roll it. Repeat the process four times in all, chilling the dough between each rolling or as necessary. The rolled dough should be smooth. Wrap it up and chill well before rolling it out.

Set the oven at 200°C / 425°F / gas 7. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to 1/8 inch thick. Cut into rounds using a 4 inch/10cm pastry cutter.

Cream the butter or margarine and sugar in a bowl. Add the currants, peel and spices. Place spoonfuls of the mixture in the centre of each pastry round. Gather the edges of each round together to form a ball. With smooth side uppermost, form into a flat cake. Make 2 cuts in the top of each cake with a sharp knife. Brush with water and dust with caster sugar. Put on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.


112Hand knitted or crocheted item115An exhibit of needlecraft excluding any eligible for class 112
113A embroidered item
116An item of clothing (hand-made)
114A painting, drawing or collage (not to exceed A3)117Exhibit of handicraft other than those specified


Prints up to A5, mounted on card or paper

1181 Coloured print – “Perspective”2201 Print –  Any subject maximum size 7” x 5”
1191 Print – “Fungi”


121A paper plane to be flown123A vegetable figure
122A photograph of any animal124A drawing or painting not to exceed A4


125Oddest vegetable – public to judge

St Luke’s car parking – avoid a penalty

Make sure your car’s registration is entered into the permit system to avoid a penalty. The permit system is located within the church. As soon as you have parked, please ask the show secretary, or stewards for help in registering.

Contact the Show Secretary with any queries.