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Gardening when you don’t have a garden

Categories Community

If you have limited or no access to outside space for gardening, there are many community groups in Lambeth managing green spaces who welcome volunteers.

From beautifying a flower bed to growing your own veg, you may find something locally to suit. We’ve listed a few groups but there are many more. Keep an eye out on social media for new opportunities.

Do check details with each organisation. They are mostly run by volunteers so circumstances do change. These organisations also have different joining criteria. For some, you can just turn up. For others you must to contact them first and may need to become a member.

Volunteers with West Norwood Cemetery meet every Saturday at 11am by the Cemetery arch. Email Friends of West Norwood Cemetery for more information.

Some to check on which are currently active (September 2024):

@wncemetery, West Norwood

@naturevibezzzcharity, West Norwood

@openorchardproject, West Norwood (new Street Gardeners project)

@brockwell_greenhouses, Brockwell Park

@ccbandstandbeds, Clapham Common

@edennaturegarden, Clapham

@wyckforestgarden, Brixton

@papaspark, Brixton

@myattsfieldspark, Brixton

@gipsyhillfriends, Gipsy Hill

@loughboroughfarm, Loughborough Junction

@sccoopstreatham, Streatham

@streathamcommoncommunitygarden, Streatham Common

@hillsidegardenssw2, Streatham Hill

@railsidegarden, Streatham

@friendsoflarkhallpark, Larkhall Park

@gardenruskin, Denmark Hill

@friendsofruskinpark, Denmark Hill

@denmarkhillgarden, Denmark Hill

@tendwithlove, “Green Guerrillas”!

You may also be interested to join the free Tender Shoots online gardening club with gardening talks and events during the autumn winter months via Zoom. It’s open to anyone, there’s no charge to attend most of the talks.