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EGM: Members’ Extraordinary General Meeting

Categories For Members

7.30 pm Wednesday 26 July The Old Library

At our AGM in March, we explained that in order to enter into our new 10 year lease with Lambeth for the Hut, we will have to reorganise the Society.

Charity 1203470

The new entity has now been set up.  It is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) also called Lambeth Horticultural Society. It is registered as a charity (number 1203470), which may give us some advantages.

The governance of the new CIO will be very similar to that of LHS, with one member one vote to elect Trustees and establish Committees.

We expect that we shall continue to operate with very little change. But we shall need to ;merge’ the old Society into the new CIO.

This will be done by the existing membership agreeing to transfer the LHS assets and membership to the CIO.

Transfer of Assets

It is planned to do this by calling an Extraordinary General Meeting EGM of the (old) Society where members will be invited to consider and vote on this proposal.

The initial trustees of the CIO (Bob Tydeman as Chair, Sarah Bailey, Helen Kowalska, Philip Spedding, and Glen Wellman), will meet around the same time to agree to accept the transfer.

After the merger has been completed, the initial trustees expect to stand down so that a new trustee board can be elected by the full membership.


It is planned to hold the EGM of the old Society prior to the July Talk at the Old Library, on 26 July at 7.30pm.

A formal notice will be sent to members closer to that date, along with the wording of the proposed resolution as required by our current constitution.

It should not take long – depending on the extent of the discussion.

Only members will be able to speak or vote on the issue. Please try to be early.

Members will be free to accept or reject the proposal but you should be aware that your Committee is unanimously in favour.