We were delighted that the Mayor of Lambeth, Councillor John-Paul Ennis, kindly accepted our invitation to attend the Show and welcome visitors.
As Autumn approaches, fungi appear. Like seaweeds, they belong to that great division of thevegetable kingdom whose members do not produce flowers or seeds. The fungi have no true root, stem or leaf, and the spores from which they grow are essentially different from the seeds of other plants. Since too they are without the…Continue Reading “Fungi – the Safe and the Poisonous”
Wednesday 28 August 8pm The Old Library Speaker: James Davis James will be discussing how Forest Schools enhance learning in and of nature and the outdoors. Talk begins at 8pm. Doors open at 7.30pm. The evening includes refreshments (with a small charge) and raffle – so bring cash! Add event to calendar Apple Google Office 365 Outlook Web Outlook Yahoo
… and a whole lot more. Talks are free and open to everyone.. Check out our schedule of Talks. Look for ‘talk’ in the Events section..
We encourage young gardeners! Also creative and cooking talents. There are several children’s classes for all our flower shows. You don’t have to be from Lambeth or a member of the Society to enter. And unlike the adult classes, there is no charge to enter. Our next Flower Show is on Saturday 7 September. Why…Continue Reading “Children’s Classes for Flower Shows”