On 15 December, we ran four free workshops on winter decorations. Using foliage from members’ gardens, as well as ribbons and a few sparkling accessories, children and adults created some fabulous festive creations. The workshops were headed by Helena Kowalska. We also ran a pop up Hut with bulbs, some ready potted up. Thank you…Continue Reading “Christmas Swags”
Wednesday 27 November 8pm The Old Library Speaker: Colin Jones Talk begins at 8pm. Doors open at 7.30pm. The evening includes refreshments (with a small charge) and raffle – so bring cash! Add event to calendar Apple Google Office 365 Outlook Web Outlook Yahoo
The Hut will close for winter on Sunday 15 December. Stock includes potted up bulbs, tulip bulbs, onion sets and a good selection of houseplants from the autumn Bring & Buy sale. Create a lovely indoor garden for the winter! Visit the library and take out some books and magazines to plan your 2025 garden,…Continue Reading “HUT CLOSED 15 DECEMBER – 15 FEBRUARY 2025”
We are delighted to reschedule this Talk which was originally due to be given in September. Wednesday 4 December 8pm The Old Library Speaker: Norinka Ford There will be opportunities to buy a range of floral art items from the Hut during the evening. Talk begins at 8pm. Doors open at 7.30pm. The evening includes refreshments…Continue Reading “Wednesday 4 December: free Talk & Demonstration on Floral Art”
An urgent message from the Chair As many supporters will know, there’s change ahead for the Society. We’re becoming a charity and will soon be signing a new lease for our beloved Hut, which will bring with it a rise in our rent. The committee is confident that the Society can still flourish. We have…Continue Reading “YOUR HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEEDS YOU”